Dental Implants

Dental implants are long-lasting and reliable replacements for missing teeth that closely resemble the natural look and function of real teeth. They restore the ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently while also helping to preserve the jawbone and facial appearance.

At DP Dental, our skilled team of dental professionals is dedicated to delivering personalised care and exceptional dental implants that provide a natural look, feel, and function, resembling your original teeth.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant consists of three main components that work together to replace a missing tooth:

⦁ Implant Fixture: A titanium screw that replaces the root of your tooth
⦁ Abutment: A connector between the implant fixture and the prosthetic tooth.
⦁ Dental Restoration: The visible part of the dental implant that resembles a natural tooth. It can be a crown, bridge, or denture, depending on the patient’s needs.

dental implants in Singapore

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental Implant Procedure

Initial Consultation

  • During the initial consultation, we assess your suitability for dental implants and explain the implant placement process.
  • X-rays and teeth impressions may be taken, and a comprehensive treatment plan with appointments and costs will be provided.

Implant Placement

  • The titanium implant screw is inserted into the bone, and a protective cover or healing cap is placed over it.
  • This integration phase lasts 3 to 6 months, allowing new bone to fuse with the implant in a process called osseointegration.

Final Restoration

  • Once the implant securely integrates with the jawbone, the healing cap is removed, and the abutment is attached.
  • The final crown or artificial tooth is permanently cemented to the abutment.
  • In some cases, a temporary crown or bridge may be placed for a few months to allow proper gum healing before the permanent restoration is fitted.
dental implants in Singapore

Caring for dental implants

  • Maintain good oral hygiene
  • Stick to soft foods immediately after your dental implant procedure. Avoid chewing hard or sticky foods, such as nuts and candy bars, until the dental implants have fully integrated into the bone.
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings to monitor the condition of your dental implants


Dental implant surgery is a transformative restorative dental procedure that offers an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth, while preserving your natural teeth and enhancing your smile. Beyond aesthetics, dental implants also improve chewing and speaking abilities and help maintain the integrity of the jawbone.

If you’re unsure about whether dental implants are suitable for your oral health needs, our experienced dentists are here to guide you. We are dedicated to discussing all treatment options and addressing any inquiries you may have about fees, subsidies, and Medisave claims. Your smile deserves the highest level of care, and understanding the potential benefits of dental implants is the first step towards achieving it.

Book a Consult for Dental Implants

Book a consult, speak to our dental care team for a consultation today! Simply choose a time slot below.

Our representative will reach out to you within 2 working days to confirm your booking.