Scaling and Polishing Active Maintenance

Why do I Need Scaling and Polishing?

The scaling process scrapes away bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth. Polishing is a cleaning method which removes stains usually left by coffee, tea and tobacco.

Early detection of cavities, broken fillings and gum disease are easily treatable. That’s why we strongly advise to visit a dentist once every six months to maintain a healthy set of gums and teeth.

Our doctors and Oral Hygiene Therapist (OHT) will check your teeth and gums for signs of inflammation, recession and decay and other dental concerns that require further attention.

Scaling and Polishing Procedure

At DP Dental, we recognise that everyone has unique wants and needs. It is, therefore, our highest priority to provide individualised care for every one of our patients.

Usually, our doctors will take a series of digital photographs of the patient’s teeth and bite position when you visit us. After that, our doctors present the pictures to discuss findings and treatment plans with you.

Teeth Scaling and Polishing Singapore

These initial photographs will also serve as a baseline record for our patients, allowing our doctors and patients to track the treatment progress during subsequent visits.

Our doctors may also recommend the patient take a few dental X-rays to help uncover hidden dental structures, bone loss and cavities that cannot be seen during a visual examination.

Dental hygiene: Scaling & EMS air-flow polishing

Teeth Scaling and Polishing Singapore

Step One

The first step of professional cleaning is scaling. At DP Dental, we use an ultrasonic instrument that sprays a cooling mist of water. Simultaneously, it works to wash away debris and keep the area at a proper temperature. This process removes the hard tartar build-up between your teeth and under the gums.

Teeth Scaling and Polishing Singapore

Step Two

After that, scaling is followed by polishing; which removes stains usually left by coffee, tea and tobacco. While polishing is traditionally done with a paste and a slow speed rubber cup, at DP Dental we employ a new technology – the Prophy-jet EMS Airflow which sprays out a jet of air, water and fine powder to thoroughly clean the teeth, on the surface and even in the gaps.

FUN FACT: Did you know?

The professional cleaning of teeth is sometimes referred to as prophylaxis (or prophy for short).
It’s a Greek word that means “to prevent beforehand” – in this case,
it helps prevent gum disease.

The difference between scaling and root planing (deep cleaning)

Scaling and root planing is a particular type of treatment that goes deeper below the gum line to remove contaminated
debris, pus and bacteria.

In a regular cleaning, scaling is performed on the part of the tooth exposed above the gum line. A regular cleaning (prophylaxis) involves scaling and polishing procedures that remove plaque, tartar (calculus), and stains from the teeth’ exposed areas. The scaling process scrapes away bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth. 

A combination of scaling and root planing is employed to treat early-stage periodontal (gum) disease in deep cleaning.  Root planing smoothes the root surfaces and removing any infected tooth structure. Suppose you have gum disease or gum pocketing. In that case, the gum pockets around the teeth will have deepened, thereby allowing tartar deposits to form under the gumline. 

The clinician would have to get under the gumline and scrape the plaque off so that the gum tissue becomes healthy again and reattaches itself to the tooth structure. Any roughness can be planed away to result in a silky smooth surface so the gum can reattach firmly to the spotlessly clean root surface; helping to prevent tooth loss. 

Although deep cleaning effectively removes plaque buildup, it does not eliminate all the bacteria that cause gum disease. When necessary, treatment may include LASER-Assisted Gum Treatment to effectively disinfect the pockets between the gum and the tooth root to remove bacteria.

What are the benefits of scaling and root planing?

Teeth Scaling and Polishing Singapore
Teeth Scaling and Polishing Singapore

Why is preventive active maintenance necessary?

During the recommended 3-6 monthly “dental active maintenance” visits, our doctors and Oral Hygiene Therapist (OHT) will check the patient’s teeth and gums for signs of inflammation, recession and decay and other dental concerns that require further attention.

Gum disease, if diagnosed early, can be treated and reversed. If treatment is not received, a more severe and advanced stage of gum disease may follow. Similarly, our doctors and hygienists also lookout for early signs of problems with your teeth or gums. 

Early detection of cavities, broken fillings and gum disease are easily treatable. However, if these problems go untreated, root canals, gum surgery, and removal of teeth could become the only treatment options available.

At DP Dental, we are devoted to providing our patients with comprehensive care. Our doctors strive to uncover the root cause of your oral health problems with consideration to your teeth, gums, jaw and bite position. We believe that to lay a solid foundation for optimal long term oral health, we need to treat the oral cavity as an essential part of the body.

If you see any bleeding, swollen gums or experience any pain, do not ignore it.
Ignoring early symptoms can most-definitely aggravate issues.