Comprehensive screening with digital photography

Why is it essential to undergo a comprehensive screening before you start any dental treatment?

Examining your oral cavity and receiving a diagnosis by your doctor is also known as having a “comprehensive screening”. 

It is commonly known that comprehensive screening with digital photography usually leads to a higher level of success and a lower chance of subsequent complications arising.

More about comprehensive screening with digital photography

A comprehensive screening helps you find out if you are suffering from a particular dental disease or infection. This view is essential because not all conditions show symptoms. There could be instances where you may experience issues you may not be aware of, and comprehensive screening allows your dentist to identify such problems and treat them earlier.

The process

Your doctor will take some intra-oral pictures using a digital camera and then explain your current dental condition to you in detail. X-rays may be taken for symptoms that require reconfirmation.

After the pictures are ready, your doctor will explain them to you and point out any conditions that require treatment. Though you may not feel pain or discomfort on the surface, these images will reveal any hidden dangers lurking beneath the surface.

Comprehensive screening with digital photography usually leads to a higher chance of success and a lower chance of complications. Discovering any disease or infection early on will save you from undergoing complex treatment such as root canal treatment or tooth extraction later-on.

How do you know you need this screening?​

We highly recommend (sometimes this could be mandatory) to have this screening done before you can proceed with any dental treatment.

How is this treatment done at DP Dental?

Once the Intra-oral pictures are taken, the photos are then imported to the screen in front of the patient. The doctor will then explain to the patient on their dental condition using the photos and X-rays (if required). 

This screening is detailed and painless. Make sure you get a Comprehensive screening with digital photography done to prevent any complications in the future!

Are you ready to take the first step towards optimal oral health?