Dental Implant Cost Singapore – Your Essential Pricing and Treatment Guide

Dental Implant Cost Singapore – Your Essential Pricing and Treatment Guide


Dental Implants Treatment Singapore

Dental implants are among the best investments you can make today if you have missing teeth or uncomfortable dentures in your jaws.

Besides making you self-conscious about your smile, missing teeth can put your bite out of alignment and alter your facial shape. Leaving a lost tooth is not ideal, especially when many replacement options are available. 

Dental implants are prosthetic replacements of the root of your tooth. They are placed surgically into your jawbone to give you an aesthetically pleasing replacement of your missing tooth that lasts a lifetime. 

In most clinics in Singapore, dental implants cost $1,700, up to $3,500. The cost varies due to several factors, including the number and type of missing teeth, the extent of surgical procedure used, the quality of the implant, and your dentist’s experience. 

If your bones are not stable enough to hold the implant firmly in its place, you might also need a bone graft, which will add to the total cost.

Keep reading to explore what dental implants are, when you need them, and how much you should expect the whole procedure to cost.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental Implant

Dental implants have been used for many years as the gold standard for replacing single or multiple teeth or uncomfortable dentures. Out of all the options for teeth replacement, dental implants are the most convenient ones in the long run. It allows you to smile, chew, and talk while preserving the natural structure of your remaining teeth. 

An implant has a ceramic or titanium screw that firmly anchors the tooth inside your jawbone. These ceramic or titanium screws are placed in your jawbone where your missing tooth’s roots once were. Once set in place, it will function like a normal tooth and prevent it from shifting around in your mouth, ideally for a lifetime.

These implants look like your natural teeth and function like them. Unlike dentures and bridges, implants are a permanent teeth replacement solution. Dental implants can last for a lifetime with proper brushing and adequate oral hygiene.

The Procedure of Dental Implants in Singapore

Dental Implant Singapore Procedure

Replacing a root with a prosthetic implant is an extensive and complicated surgery that takes a few months to complete. During a dental implant surgery, an artificial one replaces the roots, an abutment is placed, and new crowns are securely placed on top of them.

Here’s what dental implant treatment looks like at DP Dental.

Initial Consultation

The first thing you will need before starting your root replacement journey is a thorough evaluation. After an initial consultation, provide a comprehensive health history to your dentist to help them decide whether you’re eligible for an implant. 

Patients with uncontrolled diabetes, active gum disease or strong blood thinners are generally poor candidates for implant surgery. 

In most cases, we will follow your history with a CT Scan to look at a three-dimensional view of your teeth. 

If you’re eligible for an implant – awesome, get ready to get an artificial tooth that not only looks like a real one but also feels like it. If not, we will recommend the next best option for you. At the initial consultation, we will present the cost of the entire procedure upfront.

Bone Grafting

Since implants go deep within the jawbone, healthy bones are crucial for them to stay in their place. If you don’t have enough bone tissue under the gums, you’ll need additional surgeries such as bone graft or sinus lift. These procedures make your implant a solid foundation to support the replacement tooth. 

Placing the implant

Since the implants serve as the missing root, they must be implanted deep within the jawbone. 

During surgery, your dentist will incise your gums to expose the bone underneath and drill holes in them at points where the implant metal will be placed. 

Implants are ideally left in place for a few months before you put the final crown on. During this time, the bone grows around the implants making them permanently secured within the jaw. 

For aesthetic purposes, temporary, removable dentures can be placed over the hole until the implants are ready.

Placing Abutment

After a month or two, an abutment is attached to the implants that connect the root with the replacement tooth. It’s a piece where the crown will eventually attach.

Abutments can be placed simultaneously as the implant or as a separate minor surgery after the implants are secured. 

After the abutment is placed, you might need to wait another two weeks for your gums to heal.

Placing the Crown

Once the abutment is set in place, we will take impressions of your mouth to design custom-made crowns that blend in with your natural teeth. 

Your crowns or prosthetic teeth are designed with precision to match your other teeth in shape, size, and colour using advanced AI technology

After you put the crown on, you will have an aesthetic-looking set of teeth that should last for a lifetime.

How much does Dental Implant Cost In Singapore

Dental Implants Singapore Cost

Dental implant costs can vary depending on the number of teeth you’re replacing, the type of implant, and the extent of each procedure.

Each implant usually costs between $1,000 and $3,000; the range depends upon the amount of customisation and the extent of surgery required. This price is for the implant alone and does not include the cost of abutments, crowns, or follow-up visits where necessary. 

Adding the cost of both procedures, you may pay around $5,000. 

If you need additional surgeries like a bone graft or sinus lift to keep the implant in its place, you are looking at a final price of between $4,000 and $7,000.

In Singapore, dental implants, abutments, crowns and other necessary procedures range from $3,000 to $7,000 per tooth.

Since no two implant procedures are identical and there are many things to consider, you can only get to know the final cost after thoroughly examining your teeth.

Many insurance options typically pay a certain percentage for dental procedures. So make sure to check with your insurance provider or administrator to know what cost you will be responsible for.

Dental implants are a lifetime investment and are more expensive than other teeth replacement options. It’s best to get an idea about your implant procedure’s potential cost by speaking with your doctor. 

Are you looking for a reliable and experienced dental implant provider in your city? Book an appointment with our experts today.