DP Dental: Leading the Way as Asia’s First Certified B Corp Dental Practice

DP Dental: Leading the Way as Asia’s First Certified B Corp Dental Practice

In an exciting development, DP Dental has achieved B Corp Certification, making history as the first dental practice in Singapore and Asia to receive this prestigious recognition. This milestone underscores DP Dental’s commitment to ethical business practices and positive impact on society and the environment.

The Journey to Being a Certified B Corp

DP Dental’s path to becoming a Certified B Corp was a thorough process, taking nearly two years. The certification evaluates social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency, ensuring that DP Dental operates with integrity and responsibility.

What B Corp Certification Means for DP Dental

B Corp Certification sets DP Dental apart as a business that prioritises more than just profits. It signifies a commitment to ethical, purpose-driven practices that benefit both people and the planet. DP Dental’s dedication to social and environmental responsibility is at the core of its operations.

DP Dental’s mission is to make a positive impact on the dental industry. Choosing to become a Certified B Corp reflects its commitment to being a force for good. This certification is a reflection of DP Dental’s values and dedication to making a difference through dentistry.

Our B Corp certification takes on added significance considering Singapore’s ambitious goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Dentistry, as a practice, involves significant consumption of materials, energy, chemicals, and water, generating substantial amounts of waste, much of it harmful. As a Certified B Corp, DP Dental is spearheading the change, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly business practices. We are proud to deliver high-quality care without compromising the environment, ensuring affordability now and in the future, and creating positive social impact.

Certified B Corp

Joining a Global Community

As a Certified B Corp, DP Dental joins a community of businesses worldwide that share similar values. Together, these businesses work towards driving positive change and empowering conscious consumer choices. DP Dental is proud to be part of this collective effort.

The Team’s Effort and Future Plans

Achieving B Corp Certification was a team effort for DP Dental. Looking ahead, DP Dental remains committed to advancing sustainability efforts and driving innovation in the dental industry. The organisation is excited about the positive changes and opportunities that lie ahead.

DP Dental’s recognition as a Certified B Corp is a testament to its dedication to responsible business practices. By prioritising social and environmental impact, DP Dental is leading the way towards a more sustainable future in the dental industry and beyond.

Read more about DP Dental’s sustainability efforts: https://www.dpdental.com/sustainability/

DP Dental

At DP Dental, our philosophy is to solve problems at their root cause. We also believe that prevention is always better than cure, hence, we practice early-intervention dentistry, and we aim to be as minimally-invasive in our procedures as possible.